
Bettertouchtool 3.579
Bettertouchtool 3.579

bettertouchtool 3.579

Added predefined action "Show custom context menu (NEW)", this one is much more flexible and easier to setup than the old custom context menu action. easily color some selected text or add other formatting. Predefined action "Transform & Replace Selection with JavaScript" can now also transform to e.g. This allows to create shortcuts that do different things if they are pressed for a short time or if they are pressed for a long time. New predefined action "Pin/Unpin Focused Window To Float On Top" (unfortunately doesn't work for DRM protected video) - Long & Short press shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts now have new configuration options "Minimum time keys need to be pressed" and "Maximum time keys can be pressed" (only for "key up"). when executing a shortcut multiple times. This allows to run different actions e.g.

bettertouchtool 3.579

BetterTouchTool 3.816 - Change log not available for this version BetterTouchTool 3.812 - Change log not available for this version BetterTouchTool 3.786 - Change log not available for this version BetterTouchTool 3.784 - Fixed issues with the "Delay Next Action" functionality BetterTouchTool 3.777 - New predefined action: "Cycle through multiple actions (on repeated trigger)". It allows full control of any connected Stream Deck device from within BTT. BetterTouchTool 3.821 - Support for the new M2 Macbook Air / Pro - This version introduces beta support for the Elgato Stream Deck devices.

Bettertouchtool 3.579