
Codejock com server registrator
Codejock com server registrator

Local cJulian := StrZero ( DoY ( date ( ) ), 3 ) but this will do for the this short sample A better choice of unique Id would be ADS's field defaulting to NewIdString( 'M' ) I would recommend a better unique value to id each event saved to calendar.dbf :: oPanelCalex: Move (, , nWidth - :: oPanelExplorer: nRight, nHeight ) :: oPanelExplorer: Move (, ,, nHeight ) METHOD SetSize ( nType, nWidth, nHeight ) CLASS MpCal :: oPanelExplorer = TPanel ( ): New ( 0, 0, nHeight, :: oPanelCalex: nLeft, :: oWnd: oWndClient )

codejock com server registrator

:: oPanelCalex = TPanel ( ): New ( 0, 175, nHeight, :: oWnd: nWidth, :: oWnd: oWndClient ) : AttachToCalendar ( TOleAuto ( ): New ( ActXPdisp ( :: oCalex: hActiveX ) ) ) : VisualTheme ( xtpCalendarThemeOffice2007 ) :: oDtPick := tActiveX ( ): New ( :: oPanelExplorer, "Codejock.DatePicker.13.4.2" ) : Options: DayViewTimeScaleShowMinutes (. : DayView: ScrollToWorkDayBegin ( ) //scroll the view to the work day starting time ) //switch from day, week, month view on capbar * other useful triggered events that may be catched. aParms : CustomProperties: Property ( "id" ) != Nil aParms : CustomProperties: Property ( "id" ) != NilĬase Event = "EventDeletedEx". METHOD xTrmCalTriggeredEvents ( Event, aParms ) CLASS MpCalĬase Event = "EventChangedEx". ON RESIZE oSelf: SetSize ( nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight ) :: BuildDatePicker ( ) //CodeJock DatePicker on the left :: BuildCalex ( ) //CodeJock calendar on the right :: BuildPanels ( ) //two panels -left and right METHOD xTrmCalTriggeredEvents ( Event, Parms )ĭEFINE WINDOW :: oWnd MDI MENU oMenu Title "CodeJock Xtrme Calendar FWH Sample" METHOD SetSize ( nType, nWidth, nHeight ) (cAlias )-> ( OrdCreate ( cAlias, "starttime", "starttime" ) )ĭbuseArea (. (cAlias )-> ( OrdCreate ( cAlias, "id", "id" ) )

codejock com server registrator

-//ĭbcreate ( cAlias, aStruc, "DBFCDX".

Codejock com server registrator